Arnold 允许着色器置换多边形网格节点中的顶点。这些顶点按照着色器所返回向量的方向和幅值进行置换。
type abs_perlin

type recursive
freq 0.025
amplitude 40
bloom 3
freq 0.025
amplitude 40
bloom 3

type abs_recursive

type abs_perlin
amplitude -
bloom -
/* * nonlinear noise displacement shader */ #include #include enum { p_octaves, p_freq, p_amplitude, p_bloom, p_type }; AI_SHADER_NODE_EXPORT_METHODS(NonlinNzMethods); #define ENUM_SCALAR_TYPES { "perlin", "abs_perlin", "recursive", "abs_recursive", NULL }; #define PERLIN 0 #define ABS_PERLIN 1 #define RECURSIVE 2 #define ABS_RECURSIVE 3 const char *types_enum[] = ENUM_SCALAR_TYPES; node_parameters { AiParameterInt ("octaves" , 3); AiParameterFlt ("freq" , 1); AiParameterFlt ("amplitude", 1); AiParameterFlt ("bloom" , 1); AiParameterEnum("type" , PERLIN, types_enum); } float scalarfunc(AtVector P, int type, int octaves) { float doubler = 1; float NzAccum = 0; switch (type) { case PERLIN: return AiPerlin3(P); case ABS_PERLIN: return fabs(AiPerlin3(P)); case RECURSIVE: for (int i = 0; i < octaves; i++) { NzAccum += AiPerlin3(P*doubler) / doubler; doubler *= 2; } return NzAccum; case ABS_RECURSIVE: for (int i = 0; i < octaves; i++) { NzAccum += fabs(AiPerlin3(P*doubler)) / doubler; doubler *= 2; } return NzAccum; } return AiPerlin3(P); } shader_evaluate { AtVector Ploc, Uloc, Vloc; // noise sample location, and over in U and V locations float Np, Nu, Nv; // noise at P, noise at location over in U and V float Udelt, Vdelt; // delta in the noise over in U and V float delta = .01; // distance delta for noise samples int octaves = AiShaderEvalParamInt(p_octaves); float freq = AiShaderEvalParamFlt(p_freq); float amplitude = AiShaderEvalParamFlt(p_amplitude); float bloom = AiShaderEvalParamFlt(p_bloom); int type = AiShaderEvalParamInt(p_type); AtVector U, V; if (sg->dPdu != AI_V3_ZERO && sg->dPdv != AI_V3_ZERO) { // tangents available, use them U = sg->dPdu; V = sg->dPdv; } else { // no tangents given, compute a pair AiV3BuildLocalFramePolar(U, V, sg->N); } if (type > ABS_PERLIN) { // adjust delta to highest frequency in recursive noise delta *= pow(.5, octaves) * 2; } Ploc = sg->Po * freq; Uloc = Ploc + U * delta; Vloc = Ploc + V * delta; // noise sampled at P, and over in U and V Np = scalarfunc(Ploc, type, octaves); Nu = scalarfunc(Uloc, type, octaves); Nv = scalarfunc(Vloc, type, octaves); Udelt = (Nu - Np) * bloom; Vdelt = (Nv - Np) * bloom; AtVector Pstepped = sg->P; int steps = 10; float stepscale = amplitude / steps; for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++) { // stepdir is the cross product of the derivatives AtVector stepdir = AiV3Cross(U,V); // deflect the derivatives U = AiV3Normalize(U + (stepdir * Udelt * stepscale)); V = AiV3Normalize(V + (stepdir * Vdelt * stepscale)); Pstepped += stepdir * Np * stepscale; } sg->out.VEC() = Pstepped - sg->P; } node_initialize { } node_update { } node_finish { } node_loader { if (i > 0) return false; node->methods = NonlinNzMethods; node->output_type = AI_TYPE_VECTOR; node->name = "nonlinear_noise"; node->node_type = AI_NODE_SHADER; strcpy(node->version, AI_VERSION); return true; }
以下 .ass 文件使用此着色器:
options { AA_samples 3 xres 640 yres 480 GI_diffuse_depth 1 GI_diffuse_samples 3 } plane { name myplane point 0 -8 0 normal 0 1 0 shader groundshader } polymesh { name mysph nsides 6 1 UINT 4 4 4 4 4 4 vidxs 24 1 UINT 0 4 5 1 1 5 6 2 2 6 7 3 3 7 4 0 3 0 1 2 4 7 6 5 vlist 8 1 b64VECTOR AAB6wwAAAAAAAHrDAAB6QwAAAAAAAHrDAAB6QwAAAAAAAHpDAAB6wwAAAAAAAHpDAAB6wwAA+kMAAHrDAAB6QwAA+kMAAHrDAAB6QwAA+kMAAHpDAAB6wwAA+kMAAHpD smoothing on subdiv_type catclark subdiv_iterations 7 disp_map sphere_disp disp_padding 50 matrix 0.94693 0 0.321439 0 0 1 0 0 -0.321439 0 0.94693 0 0 0 0 1 shader sphere_surf } standard_surface { name sphere_surf base 0.3 base_color 0.8 0.8 1 specular 1 specular_color 0.8 0.8 1 specular_roughness 0.3 subsurface 0.5 subsurface_color 1 0.05 0.2 subsurface_radius 80 80 80 } nonlinear_noise { name sphere_disp type perlin freq 0.025 amplitude 80 bloom 1 } standard_surface { name groundshader base 1 base_color 0.4 0.4 0.4 specular 0 } persp_camera { name mycamera fov 11 position 3677.0129 1039.1904 597.0592 look_at 0 250 0 up 0 1 0 } point_light { name key position -6000 10000 6000 radius 400 color 1 0.7 0.2 intensity 1 exposure 28 } skydome_light { name mysky color 0.7 0.8 0.9 intensity 0.9 }